
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「yet・alreadyのイメージ」L163 2022/11/30





Ohnishi: 最近トレーニングの後にですね、サウナに入ることにしてるんですよね。で、サウナから出てくるとですね、お約束のですね「整った~」と言うわけですけれどもくすっと横で笑われるんですね。何でかって言うと僕、サウナ苦手で1分くらいしか中にいないんです。


Roza: へぇ、さうなんですか・・・・ Akino Roza here.

Chris: Ah, wait wait, I’m almost done. Right, OK, let’s get started. Chris McVay here.

Ohnishi: さ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。

ダイアログ和訳の後 4:19

Roza: Hey guys, have you finished reading our textbook yet? If not, you’d better get started.

Practice 10:00

Chris: OK guys, it’s practice time. Today we have two words, yet and already. So, let’s look at both of them. Yet implies something which is incomplete, and already implies something which is complete. So, get the rhythm like this, yet – incomplete, already – complete. OK, I think you are ready to start.

Roza: Not yet, Chris. I still need to give my reminder to think only in English. Now we are ready.

Chris: OK, let’s go, “She is young yet surprisingly wise.”

Roza: Let’s continue, “This is our most successful book yet.”

Chris: Yeah, we hope that there are going to be many more, right? so incomplete. Keep going, “yet another reason”, “yet another example”, “Our flight has been delayed yet again.”

Roza: And now, let’s practice already. Remember the feeling of complete. “Don’t worry. I’ve done it already.” You see that? It’s complete, so I’ve done it already. And one more, “Enough already.”

Excellent guys.

Chris: Yeah, I think that’s enough practice for today. Well done.

ここ、難しかったですが合ってるかな。これで終わりじゃなくて、もっとたくさん増えて欲しいから、incomplete → yet だって説明ですね。

→ we hope の後ろは、there is もしくは there are の未来形ですね。ツィッターで教えてもらいました。


Ohnishi: Hey guys, who is your favorite writer?

Chris: Well, I’m going to be boring and say Shakespeare.

Ohnishi: Oh, boring.

Chris: Roza?

Roza: Well, for me I would have to say my favorite writher is actually two writers. There is They are the writhers of this textbook, Ohnishi-Sensei and Chris McVay.

Ohnishi: I’m fluttered.

Chris: Speechless.


All: Bye.

There is writhers って言ってるかな。

→ They are the ~ ですね。これもツィッターで教えてもらいました。

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