Ohnishi: 暮らしに役立つ雑学シリーズ。口が大きい人は、口が小さい人よりも、、、
Roza: 人よりも?
Ohnishi: 口が大きい。
Roza: その通り。Akino Roza here.
David: That’s a little obvious, but simple is best. I like it. I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: それでは、今週もがんばっていきましょう。
Practice 9:58
David: OK everyone, it’s time for today’s practice. Ah, where is the gap, where is the gap? At first, it may take a little time. That’s OK. You’ll get better with practice, so let’s practice, practice, practice and don’t forget to mind the gap.
Roza: All right, repeat after us everyone. an outcome I didn’t think [ ] was possible …
All together now.
- This is an outcome I didn’t think was possible.
David: You are doing great, let’s keep going. the dish that we found [ ] too spicy …
All right, the complete sentence.
- This is the dish that we found too spicy.
Let’s go one more time.
- This is the dish that we found too spicy.
Roza: OK and one more sentence to practice. the woman I asked [ ] to give a speech …
All right, all together.
- She is the woman I asked to give a speech.
Once more.
- She is the woman I asked to give a speech.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Grammar in Action
Brad is a kind of guy I think I can (時間切れ)
Hello, I am a person that Ken asked me to help you. What can I help you?
who を使って、 asked の後の me はいらないんだ、、、
Ohnishi: さぁ皆さんおつかれさまでした。関係代名詞のこのレベルの運用は、結局のところ、文のパターンをいかに熟知しているかにかかってるんですね。どんな文のパターンがあるのか、今までの学習をもう一度復習してくださいね。
Roza: Hey guys, Radio-Eikaiwa is a program you don’t want to miss, so see you tomorrow.
David: That’s right and keep practicing, practicing, practicing.
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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