
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「現在完了形③:過去を今の経験としてとらえる(経験用法)」L157 2021/11/23





Ohnishi: ジェシカ、憧れは理解から最も遠い感情だよ。


Roza: You know, there, may be a Sphinx in Egypt, but I have a Sphinx at home, too. Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.

Chris: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Also, you have a Sphinx cat at home?

Roza: That’s right.

Chris: Umm.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは今日もさっそく始めていきましょう。

there, may be a Sphinx のところはどうなんでしょう。

they/there are maybe a Sphinx だと変なので。。。

ダイアログ和訳の後 5:10

Chris: Hey listeners, what’s your favorite English textbook? It’s not hard to choose. It’s ours, of course.

Practice 8:34

Chris: OK guys, let’s practice the key sentence together. “I’ve traveled all over the world.” So today, we are focusing on the present perfect, and as usual, we need to grasp the basic image, which is the past zooming up to the present …, now it’s touched the present. That’s the feeling. And that’s why it’s ideal to talk about the experiences as they happened in the past, but they are still part of you, now in the present. So, with all that in mind, let’s practice this key sentence. “I’ve travelled all over the world.” Your turn.

That’s right, get the feeling from the past … present. “I’ve travelled all over the world.”

Excellent. Well done, guys.

it has touched the present としておきました。


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, you’ve travelled all over the world, right? Any favorite countries?

Chris: Well, I’m asked that question quite a lot and it’s really difficult to choose. Ah, it’s really hard to choose but today I’ll say India because it’s so varied.

Roza: Well, you know, I don’t have to travel all over the world because I’ve already found my favorite place.

Chris: So nice.


Ohnishi: と言うわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

I’ll say か I’d say かちょっと悩みました。


~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください ~