
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「受動態⑥:目的語説明型の受動態1」L207 2022/2/8





Ohnishi: うーん今日はスムージー話ですね。でもスムージーってどういうものか私は良くは分かってないんですね。私の脳みそはナタデココまでしかついていっていないんです。


Roza: 先生、その話は Very-Berry Good でした。Hey everyone. Akio Roza here.

Chris: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. I’m really in the mood for the banana smoothie. Anyone got one?

Ohnishi: さぁ、それでは今日も早速始めていきましょう。

“funny” 3:15

Ohnishi: Hey, what does it mean exactly?

Chris: I’d say it means like strange, right Roza?

Roza: Yeah, or peculiar.

Chris: Peculiar, unusual.

“That’s too bad.” 4:10

Ohnishi: This sentence is a bit difficult to say, right?

Chris: Yes well, more than difficult, it depends on the context on how you say it, right? For example, here. “It must have gone out of business.” So, I will say, “That’s too bad.”(←元気な感じで)That doesn’t sound right at all. How should you say, Roza?

Roza: “That’s too bad.”(←深刻な感じで)You can see how my tone shows that, oh, I’m feeling sad about what happened. “That’s too bad.”

Chris: Exactly. Whereas I was kind of delighted about this meaning, you know.


ダイアログ和訳の後 4:34

Chris: Well, I think our textbook is Very-Berry Good. Don’t you agree? Nothing is going to take its place.

Roza: I hope we make another one.

Ohnishi: I agree.




Ohnishi: Hum, this lesson was so tough especially the pronunciation of Very-Berry Good.

Roza: But I think everyone did Very-Berry Good.

Chris: And you know, I think it’s a good idea to have fun with language, you know, everyone knows it’s Very-Berry Good but Very-Berry Good. Just have fun enjoy playing with words.


Ohnishi: と言うわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Very-Berry Good.

ベリーベリーグッドと聞こえたところは、全部 Very-Berry Good にしておきました。

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