
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「onのイメージ④」L89 2022/8/11





Roza: 先生、今日は何の小説書いてるの?

Ohnishi: えー、今日?ホタルイカの漁師さんが発見した戦艦でイスカンダルまで行く話。

Chris: タイトルは?

Ohnishi: 宇宙戦艦トヤマ


Roza: ホタルイカを生で見てみたいなぁ。Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.

Chris: Chris McVay here. No further comment.

Ohnishi: それではさっそく始めていきましょう。


ダイアログ和訳の後 4:18

Chris: Well, dear listeners, is it your dream to use our textbook every month? We certainly hope so.

Practice 10:38

Chris: OK, it’s practice time and we are continuing with on. This time, the image is of support. So, Ohnishi-Sensei mentioned a table … here is a table and you can put lots of things on, the table is supporting. So that …, keep this main image of table and support in your mind, as we practice together. Are you ready?

Roza: And I know we can count on you to think only in English, right guys?
Chris: You sure can, here we go, “rely on ~”, “count on ~”.

Roza: Continuing on, “Spiders live on flies.” One more time, “Spiders live on flies.”

Chris: I hope you don’t live on flies.

Roza: … I don’t.

Chris: Good. Anyway, maybe you can lie on your back, your back will support your body. So here we go, after me guys, “lie on your back”, “lie on your stomach”, “on all fours”, “pray on my knees”. And you know, many movies are based on stories, the stories support the movie, so let’s try this one together, “This is based on a true story.”

Roza: And here is a few more, “on purpose”, “on impulse”, “I can’t go on if I’m my own.”

Excellent job, guys.

Chris: Well done.

your back と your body の間に何か言ってるような・・・あと、your back supports your body であるべきのような気も・・・で、なかなか難しいです。

your back will support では?とツイッターで教えてもらいました!

movie と movies、story とstoies も気になります。


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, you always can’t count on me, OK?

Chris: I’ve always known that.

Roza: 実は実話です。This is a true story.

Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください