
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「alongのイメージ」L104 2022/9/1





Ohnishi: 交換留学生のトーマス君、たまには勉強してください。


Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. Ready for today’s lesson?

Chris: Sure, I am, Roza. Chris McVay here. But before that, I’d love an iced café latte.

Ohnishi: さ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。



Practice 9:35

Chris: Hi guys, it’s practice with me and Roza. Here we go. Today we are looking at along. The image here is movement, following some kind of physical or imaginary line. So, with that in mind, let’s practice together.

Roza: And remember, think only in English.

Chris: Hew we go, “walk along the beach”. So, we can see this beach stretching out in front of us and we follow that. And similarly, “walk along the street”.

Roza: A couple more, “You can find it along the street.” “You can find it along the way.”

Chris: OK, here is another couple, “Move along.” “Come along.” “Take an umbrella along.”

Roza: And our last couple of examples, “get along with ~”, “get along well with ~”, “You knew all along who did it, didn’t you?”

Chris: OK, good job.

Roza: You are doing great.


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, you produce so many sanpo examples. お散歩の例文多すぎないかい?って言うことなんですが、why is that?

Chris: Well, if I do, the reason is clear. It’s because it helps our listeners relax.

Roza: I thought it was because you are just romantic at heart.

Chris: That, too.


Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

you are じゃなくて you were ですかね。

that, too は聞こえたままで。

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください