
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「throughのイメージ」L136 2022/10/17





Roza: 先生、今日は何書いているの?

Ohnishi: 今日はねぇ、本じゃぁないの。交響曲を書いてるの。

Roza: どんな曲?

Ohnishi: うーん、源さんって何やってた人だっけ、って曲。

Roza & Chris: タイトルは?


Roza: I think it’s about time we get started and I’m not going to change my mind. This is Akino Roza here.

Chris: Chris McVay here. Yeah, something doesn’t feel right about today’s lesson but let’s go through with it anyway.

Ohnishi: それでは、今日も頑張っていきましょう。



Practice 9:00

Chris: OK guys, it’s practice time, and we are going to practice through. Now the basic image is very easy. It’s like a tunnel, you (are) going go in one end and … come out of the other end. That’s it. So, with that image in mind, let’s practice together.

OK, first one, “talked through the interpreter”, “Please let me through.” “We made it through with you help.”

Roza: Continuing on, “We have to go through with it.” Takuma was saying, “We have to go through the wedding.” Remember? Let’s try one more time, “We have to go through with it.”

Chris: Continuing on, “traveled through Japan”, “from Monday through Friday”. So, imagine a tunnel again, Monday is the start … and out on Friday. Here we go, a couple more, “all through my life”, “all through the night”.

Roza: And the last example, “We are through.” So, the tunnel here is our relationship, right? so, if we are through the tunnel of our relationship, that means our relationship has ended.   Let’s repeat one more time, “We are through.”

Excellent work.

Chris: Well done, guys.

are があるような無いような・・・^^

going だと思ってましたが、go in ですね。ツィッターで教えてもらいました。


Ohnishi: I’m fed up with your lies.

Chris: Huh, what lies?

Ohnishi: I’m fed up with your lies. … I’m practicing.

Roza: Sensei, how could you say that? I worked all through the night to meet your deadline.

Ohnishi: Did we? Did we have a deadline?

Roza: I’m just practicing.


Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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