Ohnishi: さぁ今日も,盛りだくさん。がんばっていきましょう。
Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Do you remember the time when we had a last lesson?
Ohnishi: That’s yesterday.
David: Hi everyone. I’m David Evans. All right guys, let’s get to it.
Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めましょう。
Practice 9:58
David: OK, let’s keep up our 関係副詞 practice. Today we’ll use “when” and “why”, just remember “when” and “why” give extra clarity on the timing or the reason behind something. All right, let’s jump right into the practice.
Roza: Repeat after us.when you were late … when you were late …
- There were a few times when you were late.
Once more.
- There were a few times when you were late.
David: we met … we met …
- I still can’t forget the day we met.
- I still can’t forget the time we met.
- I still can’t forget the year we met.
- I still can’t forget the moment we met.
Roza: OK and one more. why I recognized him … why I recognized him …
- The reason why I recognized him is because I’m interested in archaeology.
One more time.
- The reason why I recognized him is because I’m interested in archaeology.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Grammar in Action
I had a time when I hated broccolis. Now, I eat many times.
I had a time でもいいかな、、、
You gave me a smile when you saw me. This was the time when I became I like you.
when I fell in love with you ね
You probably want to know why you are here. Please sit down. I will explain it to you.
Ohnishi: さぁおつかれさまでした。今日も大変でしたね。しっかりと音読暗唱を忘れないようにしてみてください。大切なのは、リズム、リズム、リズムですよ。
Roza: You probably want to know the reason why we are ending the program here. It’s because we are out of time. Stay tune for the review tomorrow.
David: Keep it up everyone.
All: Bye.
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