
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「現在完了進行形(ずっと~している)」L159 2021/11/25





Ohnishi: いやぁ料理のできるお父さんって素敵ですよね。うーん最近忙しすぎてマイ柳葉包丁をですね、研いでないんですよねぇ。


Roza: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Let’s have another great lesson.

Chris: Chris McVay here. Let’s get started.

Ohnishi: それではさっそく始めていきましょう。

“prep” 4:10

Roza: Yeah, for example, refrigerator … you say “fridge”.

Chris: Or a sales representative … you just say “sales rep”.

“honey” 5:05

Ohnishi: But this word sounds a bit oldish, right?

Roza: Maybe a little bit but people still use it.

Chris: Hum, that’s right.

Roza: Also, people say honey or darling but darling is a bit old, too. Don’t you think so, Chris?

Chris: Yeah, I think it’s a little bit old. And where I came from in the northeast of England, we say pet.

Roza: Oh!

Chris: Are you all right, pet?


ダイアログ和訳の後 5:35

Chris: Well, we have to prep a lot in order to make our textbook as delicious as possible. Enjoy it.

Roza and Ohnishi: Thanks honey.

Practice 9:30

Roza: OK guys, ready to practice the key sentence with me? OK here, I want you to keep this lively image of the sentence in your head, OK? So, “She’s been reading, she’s been reading, reading, reading, reading …” Can you see that image float up in your mind? Perfect, so let’s practice. “She’s been reading comic books all afternoon.”

OK, I think you can do better, one more time. “She’s been reading comic books all afternoon.”

Great job.


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, don’t you think Roza has been acting kind of strange recently?

Chris: Ah, no. Not just recently, have has been since I met her.


Ohnishi: と言うわけで仲間割れをしないうちに、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.


最初 have been ~ としてましたが「省略されている主語がろーざさんだったら has been ~ では?」とツィッターでコメントがあり、「なるほど!」と思ったので修正しました。^^


~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください ~