
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「bring・carryのイメージ」L61 2022/7/4





Ohnishi: ラジオ英会話、ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。


Roza: Hey guys. This is Akino Roza.

Chris: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. Roza, I hear you are having a barbeque. Are you inviting me?

Roza: Ah …, yes …, of course.

Chris: Um, that doesn’t sound very convincing …. OK, let’s start.

Ohnishi: さ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。



Practice 9:50

Chris: OK guys, it’s practice time, this time with the verb to bring. And here, direction is the key. Bring implies a movement towards the speaker, or towards the focus place of the conversation. So, with this direction in mind, let’s practice together.

Roza: And remember, think in English.

Chris: Hum, “Bring your girlfriend to the party.” Try?

OK, after me a few more, “bring peace”, “bring many problems”, “bring 20 dollars a week”, “bring many changes”.

Roza: A few more with me, “bring a war to an end”, “bring the water to a boil”, “What brings you here?”.

Chris: OK, “Bring me some coffee, please.”

Roza: And a last few examples with carry, “carry a suitcase”, “always carry a credit card”, “Mosquitoes carry malaria.”

Excellent work.

Chris: Hum, keep away from those mosquitoes, huh? Well done, guys.


Ohnishi: Hey guys, what shall we bring for the potluck party?

Roza: Oh, why don’t you bring your medaka?

Ohnishi: 食べ物じゃない。

Chris: Ah, no, no, no, bring anything except yourself. Ah, sorry I mean, bring nothing except yourself.

Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye!

持ちよりパーティのことを、potluck party と言うそうです。Twitterで教えてもらいました!

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