Ohnishi: 今日のゲストは、ワカラナイヨさんです。ワカラさん、今日のレッスンは面白そうですか?分からないみたいです。
Roza: 先生、今のよく分からないよ。 Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
Chris: Ah, sorry. Chris McVay here. I was just dreaming about my trip to Egypt to see the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
Ohnishi: さぁ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。
ここの to がほとんど聞こえないですが、無いと変なので。
on the list 2:30
Roza: Well, it would sound a little bit unnatural. Here the list acts like the platforms. So, “on” is more natural to use.
Chris: And I think, you know, the original idea of a list is something you write down on a piece of paper, and the piece of paper is flat, so “in” is a bit difficult.
acts like a platforms と言ってるように聞こえます。
Practice 10:08
Chris: Hey, it’s practice time. Today, let’s focus on some phrases that introduce additional information.
OK, here we go,
- This job requires five years’ experience. In addition, we also require a driver’s license.
So, it’s very easy in this case, right? “five years’ experience” plus “a driver’s license”, so we can the expression “in addition”.
Roza: Next example,
- My wife refused to talk to me. On top of that, she even made me sleep on the sofa!
Chris: OK, carrying on,
- My new job is interesting and stimulating. What’s more, I get to travel to many countries.
Roza: OK guys, I think that’s enough examples. So, let’s skip the last one.
Chris: Well done guys, great effort.
Roza: Excellent work.
Ohnishi: Besides, I’ll be traveling with my boyfriend then. うー、怖いよねー。
Chris: I know, you are just practicing, right?
Ohnishi: No, I’m just being scared.
Chris: OK.
Roza: That was definitely a loaded statement in today’s dialogue.
Ohnishi: 感情、ドロドロ、してますたね。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
loaded で「含みのある」という意味があるみたいです。(英辞郎から)
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