Ohnishi: いやぁこないだ、戦闘機乗りの映画を息子と見てたらですねぇ、戦闘機で急上昇するときのGに、気を失いそうになりながら耐えるっていうシーンがあったんですよね。で息子が僕に「パイロットになったら良かったねぇ」って言うから「そりゃ鋼鉄のボディを持ってるからな」と思って言ったら「首が短いからGに耐えられそう」「うるさいわ」
Roza: うーん、首が短いだけじゃなくて幅もあるんですね。あきのろーざです。
David: And I’m David Evans. OK guys, I recommend we jump right in to today’s lesson. Let’s begin.
Ohnishi: さぁ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。
lots of, a lot of 3:40
Roza: Well, “lots of” feels lighter and more casual than “a lot”. And also for “a lot”, you can emphasize it, so you can say “a lot” but you can’t do that with “lots”.
Practice 10:09
David: じゃじゃーん。 It’s time for practice. Are you ready?
Roza: Hey guys, I hope you practice out loud. You won’t regret it.
David: Here we go.
- I recommend regular exercise.
- I recommend joining a gym.
- I recommend that you cut back on salt.
Roza: OK, here is one more example.
- My recommendation is kaminari okoshi.
David: And here is a few more examples.
- You have to try the avocado toast. It’s to die for.
- You must try the avocado toast. It’s to die for.
- For sure get front-row tests. You won’t regret it.
- You don’t want to miss the fire works. They’re breathtaking.
And here is one more.
- Check out Chinatown. You’ll love it.
Roza: You guys work great.
David: Perfect.
Ohnishi: Hey guys, I want to lose weight. What would you recommend?
David: I recommend that you love yourself. You are perfect the way you are.
Ohnishi: Thank you.
Roza: Yes, and I recommend that you cut back on the macaroons.
Ohnishi: でもぼく、macaroon 大好きなんだよね。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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