Ohnishi: In space, no one can hear you scream. 宇宙では、あなたの悲鳴は誰にも聞こえない。
Roza: In space, no one can hear Ohnishi-Sensi’s boring jokes. Hey every one. This is Akino Roza.
David: And I’m David Evans. His jokes are a horror movie of their own.
Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。
Practice 9:12
David: All right, everyone. Today’s practice is all about safety, so let’s practice various phrases using safe and avoiding risk. Let’s get to it.
- It’s safer to make a backup copy.
- This area is as safe as houses.
Roza: Let’s continue.
- It’s risky to walk alone at night around here.
- You should avoid anything risky.
- You should stay away from anything risky.
- You should keep away from anything risky.
- Don’t take risks.
David: Let’s continue.
- Take an umbrella in case it rains.
- Take an umbrella just to be safe.
- Take an umbrella just to be on the safe side.
- Take an umbrella. You can never be too careful.
- Take an umbrella. You can never be too cautious.
Great job, everyone.
Roza: You were excellent.
Roza: ねぇ先生、 Are you going to the cafeteria?
Ohnishi: Oh yes.
Roza: Don’t go alone, it’s too risky.
Ohnishi: Why?
Roza: You’ll eat too much.
David: And, be careful of dessert, I’ll eat your desert just in case.
Roza: やさしいね、David.
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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