
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「今週の Review」L75 2024/7/19





Ohnishi: ラジオ英会話、ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。


Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. You know what day it is …

David: じゃじゃじゃーん、it’s review time. I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge

David: OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here is the question. What is the advice Ms. Stravinsky gives to her students.

  1. Listen to the sonata more.
  2. Start with the easy pieces.
  3. Continue practicing.

Here we go.


Now let’s go through the question one more time. What is the advice Ms. Stravinsky gives to her students.


David: All right. Let’s take a look at Tuesday’s dialog. Here is the question. What did the man send to Carolyn?

  1. Printed photos.
  2. An old film camera.
  3. A cool poster of Tokyo.

Listen up.


How did you do? OK, let’s check the question one more time. What did the man send to Carolyn?


Roza: OK guys, next up is Wednesday’s dialog. Here is the question. What does Renji want to do?

  1. Get a new mirror.
  2. Stay young.
  3. Become a history professor.

Listen carefully.


How did you do? Let’s go over the question one more time. What does Renji want to do?


David: All right. Now let’s move on to Thursday’s dialog. Let’s start with the question. Which of the following is true?

  1. There is no space for sun bathing.
  2. The two people don’t have time for breakfast.
  3. Anton is looking at a planet.

Here we go.


How was it? OK, let’s check out the question one more time. Which of the following is true?

Say It in English

気が向いた時だけ・・・これはディクテーションじゃなくて、自分の答えです。時間内に書ききるのが難しいです。 ^^

Roza: OK guys, here is the first situation. Imagine this.

I think you are OK, but if you have a concern, it seems a good idea to be careful how much you eat. I think it’s a good idea (時間切れ)


David: Now let’s move on to situation two.

Whether you are tiered or not is not a problem. The deadline is tomorrow’s morning, so put our focus and finish this up. Our readers are waiting for our text.

うーん、そんなに悪くないかなー。テキストだけど textbook ですね。


Ohnishi: Hey guys, I’m eating less and doing more exercise but I can’t lose weight.

David: Well, you know what they say after diet and exercise, stress and lack of sleep are the biggest factors.

Roza: And I think you are fine, but if you are still worried you might want to think about why it bothers you so much in the first place.

Ohnishi: なるほど、気になるんだったら気になるあなたのその気持ちを考えてみてください、というですね、素晴らしいアイデアでした。だけどぼくは、もっとかっこよくなりたいんだよね。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください ~