
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「動詞句修飾⑤ ー to不定詞で説明(目的)」L111 2024/9/16





Roza: 先生、楽しそうだね。

Ohnishi: いやぁ、毎日皆さん英語を一生懸命頑張っておられるようでね。ぼくもちょっと、やる気が出てきたかな。


Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.

David: And I’m David Evans. I think you found his switch, yeah?

Ohnishi: それでは今週もがんばっていきましょう。

Practice 9:10

David: OK everyone, it’s practice time. By now, I hope you figured out the pattern, put it after the 動詞句, so to不定詞 as well.

Roza: As usual, repeat after us. came here … came here to learn …

  • I came here to lean.

David: Great work, let’s move on. meditate … meditate in order to reduce stress …

  • I meditate in order to reduce stress.

Roza: OK, last one. be careful …

  • Be careful so as to avoid mistakes.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


I use AC to reduce the humidity. There is a big difference in this kind of hot environment.

it makes huge difference か

Sally quit her job to do family business. She get her mother’s job (時間切れ)

引き継ぐ take over が出てこなかった

We need to check your ID to avoid a fraud. Sorry for your inconvenience.

in order to prevent か


Ohnishi: いやぁ、タイムカプセル話、うまく終われるんでしょうかね。I’m a bit worried.

David: Yeah, me too. I hope they are OK.

Roza: まぁ最終的にタイムトラベラーになるんじゃない?

Ohnishi: そういうことになるんですかね。皆さんお楽しみに。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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