
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「補助要素 that を用いた関係代名詞節」L186 2025/1/13





Ohnishi: うーん、オックスフォード話ですね。当時知り合った人と、また会ってみたいですね。人を幸せにするのは、人だけなんだと最近思いますね。


Roza: 先生、そんなことないですよ。馬も人を幸せにできるんですよ。

Ohnishi: Ah, exactly.

Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.

David: And I’m David Evans. OK everyone, let’s get started.

Ohnishi: それでは、今週もがんばっていきましょう。

Practice 9:20

David: All right everyone, it’s time for 関係代名詞節 with “that”. Remember, “that” is a big arrow, it points in the direction of the next idea, so it’s a good structure for this. We have a 名詞 and then the 説明 and that feeling, all right?

Roza: That’s right, repeat after us. a jacket that you can borrow … a jacket that you can borrow … all together,

  • I have a jacket that you can borrow.

David: Great, keep it up. the restaurant that you suggested … the restaurant that you suggested …

  • We went to the restaurant that you suggested.

One more time.

  • We went to the restaurant that you suggested.

Roza: OK and one more. the cake that you baked … the cake that you baked …

  • The cake that you baked turned out great.

Once more.

  • The cake that you baked turned out great.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


Can you tell me about the place that you visited? What is your impression about these?

the places と、質問の時から複数で聞いてるんですね

The explanation that our professor gave me was very easy to understand. Now, I’m very confident for this.



Ohnishi: Um, “The explanation that my professor gave was very easy to understand”. David, are you talking about me?

David: Oh, I’m William. I was talking about Professor Peacock, Jessica?

Roza: Sure, yeah.

Ohnishi: Not me, right?

Roza: Unfortunately no.

Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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