
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「今週の Review」L55 2021/6/18





Ohnishi: さぁ皆さんおはようございます。


Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. It’s the day you’ve all been waiting for. Time for the review.

Chris: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. As you all know, repetition is the basis of all learning. So, let’s get repeating.

Ohnishi: それでは、今日もがんばっていきましょう。

クリスさんの言う通り、repetition is the basis of all learning です!

Listening Challenge 1:35

Roza: OK everyone here is the question. How will they order take-out?

  1. They will choose from a flier.
  2. They will call the restaurant.
  3. They will use an app.

Here we go.


Chris: OK, here is the question. What does the woman advise Casper to do?

  1. To read the bible.
  2. To do some research.
  3. To see a doctor.

Listen up.

動詞なので、advice じゃなくて advise ですね。


Roza: How often does Hiroki brush his teeth?

  1. Very often.
  2. Sometimes.
  3. Hardly ever.

Listen carefully.


Chris: Why does the woman think Chiaki is fine?

  1. Because Chiaki never gets nervous.
  2. Because all her recitals have been successful.
  3. Because the previous day’s rehearsal went very smoothly.

Here we go.


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, you speak French, huh?

Chris: Yeah, you know, and some people ask me to teach them, but I just won’t have any time. But sometimes they are really pushy.

Roza: So, did you end up teaching them?

Chris: No, and on top of that, you know, it just wouldn’t be fair, would it? You know, … extra coaching to a few students.

Ohnishi: あー、クリス、フランス語教えて欲しいのにぃ。By the way, I’m so lucky because, ah, “Je ne comprends pas le français”. フランス語分かりません。

Roza: Anyway, so we will see you all next time.

All: Bye!

won’t have ~ で合ってると思うけどどうかな。「そんなヒマない」って意味です。

… extra coaching のあたりは声が重なっていてよく分かりません。^^;

Je ne comprends pas le français を英語にするとこんな感じです。

  • Je: I
  • ne ~ pas: not
  • comprends (comprendre): understand
  • français: French



  • Opening
  • Listening Challenge
  • Ending
