
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「putの基本イメージ」L13 2022/4/20





Roza: 先生、疲れてそうだね。

Ohnishi: いやぁ昨日ジムに行ったからだよ。Very answered … とてもこたえた・・・。

Chris: Oh ….

Ohnishi: ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。

Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.

Chris: Chris McVay here. Roza, I told you. You put milk in my tea, I hate that. I just want black tea, OK?

Roza: Oh, why?

Chris: Because it’s healthier.

Ohnishi: というわけでさっそく始めていきましょう。



Practice 8:43

Chris: OK guys, it’s practice time again but this time with the new verb … put. What I want to stress today is that … put is quite different from the Japanese 置く. For part in English, we can have inside something like salt in the cake, on a wall that’s vertically, in a vase, on the ceiling, these are the examples we are going to practice today to show put’s variety compared with the Japanese 置く. Are you ready?

Roza: And remember, don’t use any Japanese.

Chris: Great point, Roza. Here we go. “put flowers in a vase”.

Roza: Here is the next example. “put a calendar on the wall”.

One last time, “put a calendar on the wall”.

Chris: And the next one, are you ready? “put a spotlight on the ceiling”.

One more time, “put a spotlight on the ceiling”.

Roza: And the last example, “put salt in a cake instead of sugar”.

Chris: Well Roza, I’ve done that, you know, terrible.

Roza: I can imagine. One last time. “put salt in a cake instead of sugar”

Great job.

Chris: Great practice everybody. Well done.

put は日本語の「置く」とけっこう違っている。

put’s variety は「put の多様性」で良いと思います。


Ohnishi: Hey Chris, I still can’t forget the scones I ate in the Cotswolds.

Chris: Well, you know, they are the most famous scones in the world. They are almost as light and fluffy as … mine.

Roza: Hey Chris, why not are you bringing your scones next time?

Ohnishi: I can’t wait.

Roza: And be sure to have some clotted cream, too.

Chris: Ah, pressure, pressure.


Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

light and fluffy は「軽くてフワフワした」ですね。

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