
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「setのイメージ」L67 2022/7/8





Ohnishi: いやぁ僕はですね、大学のころ夢があったんですね。その夢は何かと言うとですね、近所の定食屋で鶏のささみフライ定食を2つ食べる。それが夢だったんですね。なかなかお金がたまんなくて実現しなかったわけですが、、、


Roza: 先生、夢をかなえましょうか?

Ohnishi: 食欲がないからもう無理。

Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. Ready for today’s lesson?

Chris: No.

Roza: No?

Chris: Because I think we need to set a time, you know, to start.

Roza: I think that the time is now.

Chris: Ah sorry, Chris McVay here.

Ohnishi: それではさっそく始めていきましょう。

set the time にも聞こえます。

that time is now にも聞こえますが、冠詞があった方がいいと思って the time にしておきました。



Practice 9:53

Chris: OK, guys. Ready for another practice? Here we go. This time, it’s the verb set. And as you can see, it has a wide variety of usages. But all have the same basic image of fixing something firmly, so it doesn’t move or fall apart. So, with that in mind, let’s practice.

Roza: And set your mind to think in English.

Chris: “Wait until the cement sets.”

You don’t want to put your foot in wet cement, right? How about jelly? “Wait until the jelly sets.”

Another one, “Set your mind to it.” “The sun sets in the west.”

Roza: Continuing on, “set a time”, “set a price”, “set a limit”, “set my hair”, “set the table for dinner”.

Chris: And a few more, “set the prisoner free”, “set her heart at ease”, “set it right”.

OK, are we set to move on?

Roza: I think we are, that was excellent, guys.



Ohnishi: Hey guys, people say I’m the icing on the cake for this program.

Chris: But you know, don’t underestimate the role of icing, without icing, the cake doesn’t look appealing or appetizing at all.

Roza: That is true.


Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye!

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