
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「overのイメージ①」L96 2022/8/22





Ohnishi: ロボットと言えば、マジンガーZだよね。♩空にそびえる黒鉄の城♪ワクワクしますね。


Roza: Huh, well, I’m glad. That’s over. Hey guys. Akino Roza here.

Chris: Chris McVay here. Let’s get started.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく今週も頑張っていくことにしましょう。



Practice 9:55

Chris: OK guys. It’s time to practice. We are starting practicing the word over. We will be looking at a variety of usages but today let’s stick with the basic image of a bride or an arch. Get that right in front of your head as we practice these sentences. Are you ready?

Roza: And think in English, OK guys?

Chris: Great advice, Roza. Here we go, “over the entrance”, “over the fireplace”, “over 40”, can you feel the arch there? “over 75 mph”.

Roza: Continuing on, “Chris will come over for dinner today.” You can feel the distance on that one, right? “Chris will come over for dinner today.”

Chris: OK, and here is another one. “He got over his breakup with Masami.” You can imagine here the arch from the moment of the breakup when he feels terrible to now and he is over it. So, with that feeling in mind, once more together, “He got over his breakup with Masami.”

Roza: And the last couple of examples, “look over the report”, “turn over the page”.

Great job guys.

Chris: Excellent. Well done.

青い下線の on that one と when he feels terrible は自信が無いです。

on that time じゃなくて in that time ではないか、とツイッターでコメントがありました。なるほど、、、。

赤い下線は、arch from A to B の形を示しています。


Ohnishi: Hey guys, what do you do when you want to get over a breakup?

Roza: Well, I spent time with my good friends or horses. I mean you have to do something fun, right?

Chris: Well, I have no idea because I’ve never experienced the breakup.

Ohnishi: みたいですよ、というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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