
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「可算名詞が不可算になるとき」L193 2023/1/18





Ohnishi: ここで一句「江守さん、俳句も詠まずに、またデート」


Roza: Hey guys. Thanks for joining us. This is Akino Roza.

Chris: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. Roza, how do you get home from the studio, by bus, by taxi?

Roza: Well, either by bus or by taxi if I’m in a hurry.

Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。



Practice 9:45

Chris: OK, it’s practice time. So, we are going to continue our practice of countable and uncountable nouns. It’s very interesting, don’t you think? And today, it’s also interesting because we are looking at words which are normally countable but can be used uncountable. So, let’s look at some of these.

Here we go, “You can write your answers in pen or pencil.” OK, normally, we have one pen, two pens, ten pencils, lend me a pencil, normally these words would be countable, but look at this, “You can write your answers in pen or pencil.”

Roza: Here is the next example, “I went to school in Tokyo.”

Chris: Continuing on, “You can go by car.” “You can go by bus.” “You can go by train.” Definitely not, by cars, by buses, by trains, OK? so again, uncountable.

Roza: And here are the last few examples, “I ate chicken for dinner.” “I ate lamb for dinner.” “I ate fish for dinner.”

Excellent work, everyone.

Chris: Yeah, great job.

as があったほうがいいと思うのですが、どうだろう。


Ohnishi: Oh, that is rather slippery of you, agent Starling?

Chris: What’s all this about?

Ohnishi: “The Silence Of Lamb”.

Roza: Sensei, I think you mean “The Silence Of The Lambs”.

Ohnishi: Oh, that’s true.


Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

最初 rather slipper of you としていましたが、 rather slippery of you でした。

What’s all this about はちょっと自信ないです。

The Silence of The Lambs は「羊たちの沈黙」ですね。見たことないので、さっぱり分からないです。^^

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