Ohnishi: まだまだマン参上!
Roza: 今日はちょっと寒いね。
Ohnishi: 寒いけど、フィンランドに比べたらまだまだだよ。
Roza: え、先生はフィンランドに行ったことあるの?
Ohnishi: ありません。
Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
David: And I’m David Evans. OK guys, let’s get started.
Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。
curious 2:50
Ohnishi: David, what’s the nuance of this word?
David: “Curious” is a very strong feeling, ah, you need to know something immediately. It’s like an itch in your brain you must scratch.
itch は「かゆみ」で、have an itch ~ で「~をしたくてウズウズする」という意味もあるそうです。(英辞郎から)
Practice 9:23
David: OK everyone. Let’s practice these together. In my opinion, it’s the best way to speak English.
Roza: That was a good one, David. All right guys, let’s go.
David: OK, here is the first.
- As far as I know, I’m not allergic to anything.
Next, let’s try this.
- To the best of my knowledge, I’m not allergic to anything.
All right, let’s continue.
- In my opinion, layoffs are the only way to save this business.
- From my stand point of view, layoffs are the only way to save this business.
- From my standpoint, layoffs are the only way to save this business.
David: And one more, here we go.
- According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny tomorrow.
Let’s go one more time.
- According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny tomorrow.
Roza: You know David, it’s always sunny when you are in the room.
David: Ah, thank you.
Roza: Great job, everyone.
David: Good work.
Ohnishi: Hey David.
David: Yes.
Ohnishi: Ah, do you think dogs are the best pets?
David: I like dogs, dogs are wonderful, but actually I like squirrels.
Ohnishi: How about you, Roza?
Roza: にゃんだと!
Ohnishi: あー、ネコのファンみたいですよ。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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