Ohnishi: サイギマン参上。ジムの受付の人が「こんにちは!」ってさわやかに挨拶するから、「ねぇ、今さわやかにあいさつしながら、この人たくさんジムに来るのにぜんぜん痩せてないなって思ってるでしょ?」って言ったら、「運動するとごはんがおいしいですからね。」と言われました。
Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. 先生、朝から重い話ですね。
David: And I’m David Evans. But, don’t make light of him, OK?
Ohnishi: さ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。
Practice 9:45
Roza: OK guys. It’s time to practice. I want either remember that in English, we emphasize the word that’ important. So, keep that in mind when you are practicing.
David: Here is the first.
- My point is that ~.
- The point I was trying to make is that ~.
Roza: OK, let’s continue with a couple more.
- What I really want to say is that ~.
Do you hear how I emphasized “really”? So, keep that in mind. Next example.
- What I’m saying is ~.
David: Very good. Let’s continue.
- In short, we want to learn more about you.
Let’s try another variation.
- In a nutshell, we want to learn more about you.
Roza: OK, and the last few are really easy, so let’s go through them together.
- Basically, ~.
- Essentially, ~.
- More or less ~.
David: Great work, everyone.
Roza: Basically, what we are saying is you did a wonderful job.
David: Perfect.
ここの either は違うかなぁ
Ohnishi: So, in short, I’m not losing any weight.
Roza: Basically, what you are trying to say is that your workout have been pointless.
David: Your weight has stayed more or less the same.
Ohnishi: My point is that it’s time to say good-bye.
All: Bye.
~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください