Ohnishi: いやぁ地名の発音って、やっぱり慣れる必要がありますよね。日本語の発音で地名を言って、なかなか伝わらないことってありますからね。ウィーンは Vienna、ミュンヘンは Munich、そしてコネチカットは Connecticut.
Roza: コネチカットは Connecticut.
David: Connecticut.
Roza: This is Akino Roza.
David: And I’m David Evans.
Ohnishi: しっかりと練習しておきましょう。さぁさっそく、始めていきます。
Practice 8:45
Roza: Well, it’s time to practice. Many of these sentences are set phrases, so try to memorize them as such, so that you can easily take them out and use them in your conversations.
David: All right, it’s time to practice. If not now, when? OK, here is our first.
- If not now, when?
- Seize the day!
Roza: Continuing on.
- You’ll never get a better opportunity.
Now this next one is very common, so be sure to memorize it.
- There’s no time like the present.
David: Good work, so far. These phrases are used to encourage and give a gentle push to people, so put some passion into your words.
- If you don’t do it, who will?
- If you don’t do it, someone else will.
Roza: Let’s continue to a last couple.
- Who better than you?
- What better time than now?
David: Fantastic job, everyone.
Roza: There is no time like the present to keep on practicing English, great work.
Ohnishi: Hey guys, I ate an ice cream and I’m already regretting it.
David: Huh? regretting eating the ice cream or making the resolution?
Ohnishi: Ah, ice cream …
Roza: Well, I think you continue to regret it everyday.
Ohnishi: I’m so sure about that. というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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