
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「基本文型・・・説明型 ー オーバーラッピング(感覚印象)」L46 2024/6/10





Ohnishi: ラジオ英会話、ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。


Roza: 誰それ? Akino Roza here, let’s get started.

David: And I’m David Evans. All right, let’s be the last man standing.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Sounds really sweet 4:12

Roza: So, here the sweet is actually used as a double meaning. It’s talking about the sweet marshmallows but also we say, when something is a good situation, we like it, we say, oh that’s so sweet, that’s a great thing.

Practice 10:25

David: All right. Let’s get started with today’s practice. Our forms today are similar to be-verb constructions, A equals B, however the verb in these sentences shows how A and B are equal. All right, let’s practice.

Roza: Repeat after us. That – great … That – great …

  • That sounds great.

David: All right, good work. Let’s keep going. That bread – delicious …

  • That bread smells delicious.

Roza: One more. I – so relaxed …

  • I feel so relaxed.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


This recipe looks easy. Would you try this one?

why don’t ~ もちょっと頭に浮かんだんだけどなー

It looks like your vice odd. Didn’t you get something illness?

sound 使わなきゃねー・・・


Ohnishi: American people like marshmallows, right?

David: Oh yeah, it’s part of our culture, roasting marshmallows on a camp fires. It is nothing more American than roasted marshmallows.

Ohnishi: David さんは本当にマシュマロ好きそうですよね。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

David: No marshmallow, no life.

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください