
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「基本文型・・・授与型 ー 基礎」L51 2024/6/17





Ohnishi: 英会話で上達したいなら、基本文型の習得がmustです。今日は新しい文型、授与型が出てきますよ。


Roza: 重要な文型ですね。

Ohnishi: その通りです。

Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.

David: And I’m David Evans. Ohnishi-Sensei, you got all dressed up today! Nice necktie!

Ohnishi: Oh, you are just reading a sentence in the dialog, right?

David: Just practicing.

Ohnishi: というわけで、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Practice 8:50

David: OK, it’s time for today’s practice. Our target forms today have two slots, so remember the … … feel, OK?

Roza: Let’s start. I’ll give … I’ll give … I’ll give them a call … and the full sentence.

  • I’ll give them a call later.

David: Great job, let’s continue. He bought … He bought …

  • He bought me flowers.

Roza: Keep going. I wrote … I wrote …

  • I wrote her a letter.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


I’ll send you the photo. How should I send it to you?


He made me wonderful dinner. He always this kind of wonderful things.

fancy は難しいですね ^^ 後半は動詞忘れてるし、、、、

I save you a seat. The show will start soon, so come here immediately.

saved と過去形か


David: Ah, Sensei, I’ll send you the photos, grab your phone.

Ohnishi: No thanks. I hate to see my cellphone myself on photos.

Roza: That’s understandable. I hate to see your cellphone yourself in person, too.

Ohnishi: うるさいわ。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

いまいちやり取りの意味がよく分からず ^^

→ my cellphone は myself on、your cellphone は yourself in に直しました!ツィッターで教えてもらいました。皆さんさすがです!

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください