
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「基本文型・・・letを用いた目的語説明型」L63 2024/7/3





Roza: 先生、いつもかっこいいね。

Ohnishi: Thanks, that’s true. I’m in show business.


Roza: だってさ。Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.

David: And I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Practice 9:33

David: All right, it’s time for today’s practice. What’s on the plate? wow, 目的語説明型, nice. Let’s use “let”, OK?

Roza: All right guys, repeat after us, me – down …

  • Don’t let me down.

him – in …

  • Don’t let him in.

David: Great work, we’ve got lots more.

  • I’ll let you know ~.
  • Let me know ~.
  • Let me tell you ~.
  • Let me try ~.
  • Let me see ~.

Roza: OK, one more. me – eat in my room …

  • My dad won’t let me eat in my room.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


If I need a help, I’ll let you know. At first I’d like to do it myself.

myself の前に by がいるんですね

Let me know if you finish this. I’ll check if there is a mistake in your work.


Sorry, my dad doesn’t let me go. He said Sunday should be for family.

won’t let me go かー


David: Hey Sensei, you know, we haven’t had a drinking session in quite a while.

Ohnishi: True, but I’m in show business.

David: あぁ・・・

Roza: 言いたいだけでしょ。

Ohnishi: なんかかっこいいんだよね。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください