
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「動詞句修飾① ー 基礎」L106 2024/9/9





Ohnishi: ♫ Don’t get me wrong … って歌ありましたよね、昔。


Roza: Ah, don’t get me started. Akino Roza here.

David: I’ve got mixed feelings about it, guys. Hi everyone. I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは今週もがんばっていきましょう。

Practice 9:20

Roza: OK everyone. Are you ready to practice? In today’s practice, let’s continue adding extra explanations after the verb.

David: All right, let’s jump right in.

Roza: He runs … he runs …

  • He runs so fast.
  • He speaks so fast.
  • He learns so fast.
  • He eats so fast.

David: All right, let’s do a few more. I told you … I told you …

  • I told you repeatedly.

You guys will do … you guys will do …

  • You guys will do fine.

And let’s do these last two as a chunk.

  • Think different.
  • Come quick.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


Listen carefully. We read the test question only one time.


I thought for a long time, I couldn’t solve this problem. It’s too difficult for me.

long and hard をそのまま置くのか

Please be kind to her. He is a guest and I want him to be welcomed.



Ohnishi: Ah, I’m thinking long and hard.

David: Thinking about what?

Ohnishi: Why people treat me kindly.

Roza: Sensei, please don’t get me wrong, but that’s incorrect.

David: Roza, treat him kindly, he’s our Sensei. We want him to feel welcome.

Ohnishi: Of course, that’s you have to do so. というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

ちょっと自信ないです ^^ → you have to do ~ でした!

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください