Ohnishi: 今の家、ピアノがないんだよね。ピアノ弾きたいなぁ。
Roza: 先生、弾けるの?
Ohnishi: 弾けない。
Roza: 食い気味できたねぇ。Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
David: And I’m David Evans. Let’s get started.
Ohnishi: それでは、今週もがんばっていきましょう。
Practice 9:30
Roza: OK guys, you readied you’re ready to a practice? Today’s examples are not very difficult, so just keep in mind this image of repeating action, coughing, coughing, coughing, during that spend of time, OK?
David: Here we go.
Roza: sneezing … sneezing …
- He was sneezing.
- He was hiccupping.
- He was nodding.
David: dying … dying …
- The poor medaka was dying.
Roza: Keep going. stopping … stopping …
- The bus was stopping.
landing … landing …
- The helicopter was landing.
David: OK, let’s wrap up with one more. complaining about his job … complaining about his job …
- He’s always complaining about his job.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
ご指摘があって修正しました。you readied って、いつもと違う感じだなーって思ってたんですよね ^^ いつもありがとうございます!
Grammar in Action
I was coughing during afternoon. I forgot to take medicines for allergic.
coughing じゃなくて sneezing ね
I was thinking the ride was going to stop, but it speeded up.
Hello, ah, hi Jane. I am finishing my homework. I will take a few minutes.
Ohnishi: さぁ今日も、盛りだくさんでしたね。復習をお願いします。
Roza: I’ll get my revenge.
David: Not that 復習, Roza.
Roza: あ、そっか。
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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