Ohnishi: アリエナイ、アリエナイ、アリエナイでほんわか、イェイ!
Roza: それ、私の歌い方のまねだよね、先生。Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
David: And I’m David Evans. No, I’m … well, I think that’s me.
Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。
Practice 9:25
David: All right, it’s time for today’s practice. Let’s continue with 仮定法. Today, we’ll practice with an if節. Both are 仮定法, it’s an imaginary condition and an imaginary result. OK? Let’s practice.
Roza: If I were you, I would … If I were you, I would …
- If I were you, I would apologize.
David: If I had the key, I could … If I had the key, I could …
- If I had the key, I could open this door.
Roza: And one more. If I had my tools, I might … If I had my tools, I might …
- If I had my tools, I might be able to fix this.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Grammar in Action
If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy tickets. (時間切れ)
If I had that money, I would eat at this restaurant every day.
If I weren’t so busy, I could take you to the airport. As it stands, I don’t have much time.
Ohnishi: アリエナイ、アリエナイ、アリエナイでほんわか!
David: イェイ
Roza: イェイ
Ohnishi: ということで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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