Ohnishi: あぁ、ラジオ英会話ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。
Roza: 先生なんか今日、声良い感じだね。
Ohnishi: あぁりがとう。
Roza: Hey everyone. あぁきのろーざです。
Chris: Hi everyone. Chris McVay. Everyone is strange this morning. I don’t know what’s happening. あぁMcVay … um, not good …
Roza: That’s really quiet.
Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、今日もがんばっていきましょう。
Listening Challenge
Roza: Here is the question. What will Masaya buy?
- Colorful paints.
- Cute dragons.
- Character socks.
Here we go.
Chris: OK. Which of the following is true?
- Roxy has a fever.
- Roxy’s grandpa is more used to Fahrenheit than Celsius.
- The room temperature is too high for Roxy.
Listen up.
Roza: What advice does the station staff give Casper?
- To check all his belongings before getting off the train.
- To always have his passport.
- To describe his bag in detail.
Listen carefully.
Chris: Why did Deena and Masaya have?
- A delicious luxury burger.
- The biggest hamburger Masaya had ever eaten.
- A hamburger that takes fifteen minutes to cook.
Here we go.
Ohnishi: Hey Roza, you work as a model and do photography too, right?
Roza: That’s right.
Ohnishi: Any tips?
Roza: Sure, well, I have a couple of tips for photography. One thing that beginners often do is they put the subject in the middle of flame. So, I would suggest to offset the subject from the middle. That will give a little bit more even artistic photo. Also, I suggest following photographers whose photos you like and of course, practice, practice, practice.
Ohnishi: それでは今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye!
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