Ohnishi: 時々さぁ、ステーキ硬くてあご痛いって内容のメールくることあるじゃん?さぁて問題です、そういうメールを私は何と呼んでいるでしょう?・・・かみしめーる・・・。
Roza: 先生、今日のオープニング、すてーきでしたー。Akino Roza here.
Chris: Chris McVay here. Sorry, I can’t speak properly, my jaw is sore after eating steak, but anyway, let’s have a good lesson.
Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。
Practice 9:53
Chris: OK guys, let’s practice. And today, we are going to focus on a wide variety of adjectives related to hard, but each with its own nuances of meaning, so get used to these collocations, OK?
Roza: I know it’s hard but please try to think in English, OK?
Chris: OK, here we go, “tough steak”, “tough guy”, “tough negotiator”, “tough assignment”, “tough decision”, “tough choice”, “tough challenge”.
Roza: Now, let’s try some examples with firm, ready? “firm mattress”, “firm belief”, “firm faith”, “firm determination”, “firm decision”.
Chris: OK? And finally we are going to look at solid, so, “solid foundation”, “solid education”, “solid evidence”, “solid food”, “solid person”.
OK, well done, guys.
Roza: I think that was some solid practice.
Ohnishi: Hey guys, personally I prefer hard persimmons to soft ones. How about you?
Roza: Personally I prefer pricy persimmons to cheaper ones.
Chris: personally I hate both.
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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