
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「基本文型 説明型④:(that)節・if/whether節を明語句に」L24 2021/5/6





Ohnishi: ラジオ英会話、ハートでつかめ英語の極意、講師の大西泰斗です。


Roza: みなさんこんにちは、あきのろーざです。今日もがんばろうね。

Chris: Chris McVay here. Do your very best and we will do our best, too.

Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、さっそく始めていきましょう

“refrigerator” 3:15

Ohnishi: Chris, what is the short form of this word?

Chris: Fridge … much easier, right?

Ohnishi: How about American English?

Roza: And even better one … fridge.

Chris: Oh, wow, I didn’t know that.

Ohnishi: 同じ、というわけですね。


ダイアログ和訳の後 5:40

Chris: Well, as far as our textbook is concerned, I don’t have any bad news. It’s all good news. Check it out.

as far as ~ is concerned で「~に関する限り、~について言えば」です。


Roza: OK guys, are you ready to practice with me? So, the point to keep in mind here is that even though we have a long phrase, “it won’t fit into the house” used here, you can treat it as a short phrase just like “a dog”. So, the problem is … it won’t fit into the house. The problem is … short phrase … it won’t fit into the house. If you think about it like that, you should have no problem.

Repeat after me:

The problem is … it won’t fit into the house.

The problem is it won’t fit into the house.

Great job!

英語で practice、いいですねー。^^

Ending 14:55

Ohnishi: Hey guys, I have some good news and some bad news.

Roza: Start with the good news, honey.

Ohnishi: Good news is that we have aji-fry on the menu today.

Roza: Yay, that’s great.

Chris: I don’t know what’s great about it but anyway, what’s the bad news?

Ohnishi: The bad news is that it’s already sold out.

Roza: No!

Chris: Yay!


Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.



  • Opening
  • refrigerator
  • ダイアログ和訳の後
  • Ending
