
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「leaveのもうひとつの注意点」L18 2022/4/27





Ohnishi: いやぁクイズグランプリの後ですね、実はスター千一夜っていう番組やっててですね、スターになってテレビ出るってかっこいいなって思ってたんだけど、実際にテレビに出るようになったら、太ったウェイターの役でした。


Roza: なんか、これ以上いじると可哀そうだね。

Ohnishi: いじらないで。

Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.

Chris: Chris McVay here. Oh no, I think I must have left my wallet in the train. You guys going to have to pay for dinner tonight.

Ohnishi: さぁ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。

“certainly” 4:12

Ohnishi: So, in what kind of situation would you like to use “certainly” instead of yes or sure?

Roza: Well, I think you would use it if you were trying to be very polite.

Chris: Yeah, that’s true, and that’s probably why Roza … that she rarely uses it.

Roza: I have no need to be polite to you, Chris.

that she のところはよく分からないです。



Practice 9:30

Chris: OK guys, ready to practice more with this verb leave? Well, we focused on the motion of moving away from, separating, this bye-bye-feeling. But today, it’s almost the opposite. Let’s focus on what you are separating from, what is left behind, OK? That’s the feeling for today. So, here we go, “leave what you can’t eat”.

Let’s try again together, “leave what you can’t eat”.

Roza: Up next, “There’s little time left.”

Chris: And another one, very popular one, “leave a message”.

So, you’ve gone but the message is there, left behind. That’s the focus, OK? So, with that in mind, once more, “leave a message”.

Roza: And the last one, “leave it to me”.

Fantastic work.

Chris: Good job.


Ohnishi: Leave everything to me …. かっこいいですねぇ。

Chris: Hey, look at all these leftovers from the party. Huh ….

Ohnishi: Leave everything to me …. こっちはあんまりかっこよくない言い回しですね。

Ohnishi: というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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