Ohnishi: ♪あーたーらしーい朝が来た・・・
Roza: Hey everyone. Akino Roza here. Welcome to Friday’s review. Let’s go.
Chris: I have a terrible headache after listening to that singing … but I suppose we should start the review, Chris McVay here.
Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、今日も頑張っていきましょう。
Listening Challenge
Roza: OK guys, here is the question. Why did Brendan never get married?
- Because he never had a girlfriend.
- Because he is against marriage.
- Because he didn’t want to.
Here we go.
Chris: OK, here is the question. What happened on Mars base.
- They communicated with a spacecraft.
- They were scanned by a blue beam.
- They talked about scandals.
Listen up.
Roza: What does Caspar want to do?
- Make videos of his cat.
- Watch popular pet videos.
- Get new curtains.
Listen carefully.
Chris: Which of the following is true?
- Many people know Basho’s birthplace.
- The two people are in Ueno Castle now.
- The man didn’t bring his brush and paper.
Here we go.
Ohnishi: Hey Chris, do you use text messages?
Chris: Not really often because it’s a hassle typing with a mobile phone, I think.
Ohnishi: Ah, exactly.
Chris: Too small.
Roza: So, that’s why you never respond back to me, Chris.
Chris: Oops, move on to the next topic?
Ohnishi: というわけでいろいろバレることがありましたね。
All: Bye!
ここちょっと悩んだのですが、hassle は「面倒なこと」、hustle は「張り切る」でした。
ここは前者で、hassle が形容詞的に使われてるのだと思います。
~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください ~