Ohnishi: ねぇ、紅葉見に行こうよう・・・なんつって。
Roza: こうゆうこと言われるとは。Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
Chris: Chris McVay here. My visual sensers show Ohnishi-Sensei as a dinosaur. Ah, it’s my reading lessons glasses, sorry back to normal. Let’s go.
Ohnishi: さぁそれでは、今週も頑張っていきましょう。
→ reading glasses で老眼鏡、でした。ツィッターで教えてもらいました。
ダイアログ和訳の後 5:03
Roza: Hey guys, aren’t the colors of our textbook wonderful? Take a close look at it.
Chris: That’s how you enjoy it.
Practice 10:05
Chris: It’s practice time. So today, we are looking at close ant it doesn’t only have the sense of physical distance. It also has a lot of figurative uses, so let’s look at some of those today together.
Roza: And remember think in English.
Chris: “I live close to my office.”
Roza: Let’s continue, “take a close look at”, “pay close attention”, “Come close to me.”
Chris: OK, carrying on, “close friend”.
Roza: Hey, that’s like us. We are close friends, right?
Chris: Ah, no comment. “close relationship”, “close game”.
Roza: And our last example, “That was close.” This phrase is actually pretty common, so let’s practice it one more time, “That was close.”
Chris: OK guys, you did a good job.
Roza: Excellent work.
“man” 14:07
Ohnishi: What else can you say instead of man?
Chris: You can say boy …
Roza: … or if you want to talk in slang, you can say dude.
Ohnishi: Hey Chris, if I stood really close to you, what would you say?
Chris: I’d say, “Never stand so close to me.”
Ohnishi: Oh, how about you, Roza?
Roza: I would say, “Don’t you ever stand so close to me.”
Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。
All: Bye.
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