
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「限定詞④:共有イメージのthe」L174 2022/12/15





Ohnishi: 書斎パラダイスマン。ビデオ撮影があるので、書斎で服に着替えて鏡の前で、ついいつものポーズをとっていたら突然入ってきた家族に「ジョジョ立ち」と言われました。


Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.

Chris: Hi guys. Let’s enjoy today’s lesson. Chris McVay here.

Ohnishi: さぁ、それではさっそく始めていきましょう。

the air guitar 4:08

Ohnishi: Chris, could you explain this phrase to the audience?

Chris: Air guitar is when you pretend to be playing a heavy metal electric guitar, and then, you make wild gestures while imagining the steaming shrieking sounds of a real rock guitar.

Roza: But, you don’t actually have a guitar, right?

Chris: That’s right. You just imagine, you are pretending.

英辞郎見たら、steaming で「激しい」という意味がありました。合ってるかな。

shrieking sound では?とツィッターで教えてもらいました。調べたら「金切り声」だそうです。



Practice 10:10

Chris: OK guys. Are you ready to practice? This will be our final practice of the word the. And this time, we are focusing on the way describes the common image of something, rather than the actual thing. OK? Let’s try together.

Roza: And the thing to keep in mind is to think in English.

Chris: OK, here we go, “You play the violin like a pro.” So, we are not  looking at a particular specific violin, just the instrument, the common image of the violin. So, we try that once more, “You play the violin like a pro.” “I often listen to the radio.” “Please call the police.”

Roza: Let’s do one more example. Here too, we are talking about the general version of the words that we use the in front of. OK? Let’s try, “The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer.” You see that there? let’s try one more time, “The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer.”

Chris: OK, and the final group, “the giant panda”, “The car is the most convenient way of transportation.” So again, we are not speaking about my car, we are talking about the image of a car. So, let’s try that once more, “The car is the most convenient way of transportation.” And the final one which my  favorite, “The British gentleman is a dying breed.” Once more, “The British gentleman is a dying breed.”

Roza: That was excellent.

Chris: That was wonderful, well done, guys.


→ we use “the” in front of ですね。ツィッターで教えてもらいました。


Ohnishi: Hey guys, is the British gentleman extinct?

Chris: Well, we can’t say it’s extinct but it’s endangered spices.

Roza: Well of course, we can’t say it’s extinct, we have one right here, Chris.

Ohnishi: というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: bye.

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