
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「今週の Review」L50 2024/6/14





Ohnishi: おはようございます。



Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday’s lesson. It’s time to review.

David: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever time it is, it’s time for the review. I’m David Evans.

Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Listening Challenge

David: OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.

Roza: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.

David: Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.

Roza: Here is the question. Who did Franky see yesterday?

  1. A handsome student in the art class.
  2. A stranger who had a teddy bear.
  3. A teacher from the art studio.

Here we go.


David: Moving on. Let’s take a look at Tuesday’s dialog. What may be Ranji’s problem?

  1. He always fails to meet deadlines.
  2. He can’t see things clearly.
  3. He struggled with his history class.

Listen up.


Roza: Next up, Wednesday’s dialog. What does Yayoi need to do?

  1. Have lunch with Jonas.
  2. Make a report.
  3. Keep a record of herself.

Listen carefully.


David: OK, one more. Let’s take a look at Thursday’s dialog. Which of the following is true?

  1. Mom likes croquettes.
  2. Roxy will heat the potatoes.
  3. Dad will take a test.

Here we go.

Say It in English

気が向いた時だけ・・・これはディクテーションじゃなくて、自分の答えです。時間内に書ききるのが難しいです。 ^^

Roza: Here is the situation one, imagine this.

Sorry, I wish I could go with you. Actually, I don’t have a time because I need my report finished by Thursday. How about Friday?

pushed for time を使うんでしたね、、、

David: Now let’s move on to situation two.

Can you help me understand this message? Maybe she want … it seems it’s indirect, for example (時間切れー)

最初の文ができたからオッケー ^^


David: Oh, Sensei, that’s a … that’s a nice watch you have.

Ohnishi: Oh, what do you mean by that? my watch is cheap one.

Roza: Sensei, he’s trying to tell you he wants to go home already. もう時間だよ.

Ohnishi: Please stop beating around the bush. というわけで今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

~ ディクテーションした内容やその解釈などに、聞き間違いや認識違いがある可能性はあります。ご了承ください ~