
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「willの見通す① ー 予測」L89 2024/8/8





Ohnishi: いやぁ今日朝ですね、起きてふと机を見るとですね、昨日の朝いれたコーヒーがあったんですね。もしかするとって思ったら、やっぱりな味でした。


Roza: 先生、まずいコーヒーが趣味なんですね。Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Ready for today’s lesson?

David: And I’m David Evans. OK everyone, let’s begin.

Ohnishi: それではさっそく、始めていきましょう。

That is good 3:20

Roza: That’s right. Here, “that is good” is used on purpose because actually it sounds more robotic, so usually in conversation, you would say “that’s good”.

Practice 9:45

David: All right, for today’s practice, we’ll use “will”, “won’t” and “would”, so let’s get ready and jump right in.

Roza: Repeat after us. You’ll … you’ll …

  • You’ll feel lighter after this massage.

David: OK, let’s keep going. He won’t … he won’t …

  • He won’t stay angry for long.

Roza: Let’s continue. Accidents will … accidents will …

  • Accidents will happen.

David: And one more. I would … I would …

  • I would often go there.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


You will be good after a good night sleep. Trust me about this.

feel better かー

You won’t get struggle. This test is easy.

have trouble ねー

I would have the same sheet on the class. It was better (時間切れ)



Ohnishi: Hey guys, I’ll turn sixty-three this year. That’s a fact but we still use “will”, right?

Roza: Yeah, it’s inevitable. だって確実にそうなるでしょ?

David: Hum, at the end of the tunnel is sixty-three waiting.

Ohnishi: うーん、来ないでほしい。というわけで、今日はこの辺で。

All: Bye.

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