Ohnishi: 孔雀王!いやぁピーコックが出てくると、孔雀王を読みたくなるんだよな。
Roza: Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Hey Sensei, aren’t we starting the program already? It’s late.
David: And I’m David Evans. Ah, thank you Roza, without your assistance I wouldn’t have known it’s time.
Roza: You are welcome.
Ohnishi: それでは、今週もがんばっていきましょう。
Practice 9:00
Roza: OK everyone, are you ready to practice? Today I want you to really get that feeling of 条件・半事実. OK?
David: All right, let’s get to it.
Roza: With time, I would have …
- With time, I would have found the solution.
- With your guidance, I would have found the solution.
- With a little help, I would have found the solution.
David: Doing great, let’s continue. Otherwise she would …
- She’s with a client. Otherwise, she would join us for lunch.
Roza: OK, let’s keep going. a true gentleman wouldn’t …
- Hey, a true gentleman wouldn’t say something like that.
David: All right, let’s do one more, OK? Thirty years ago, I would have …
- Thirty years ago, I would have liked this kind of music.
David: Unlock your potential.
Roza: Repetition is the key.
Both: Great work.
Grammar in Action
Without your support, I wouldn’t come here. I don’t know how I appreciate properly.
made it this far とか、思いつきません・・・ ^^;
Twenty years ago, I would have enjoyed the rock climbing. I don’t have stamina for this now.
Real friend wouldn’t make me go alone. (時間切れ)
Ohnishi: 年末年始もラジオ英会話
Roza: そ、年末年始もラジオ英会話
David: そ、年末年始もラジオ英会話
Ohnishi: というわけで、
All: Bye.
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