
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「名詞+節(同格節)」L183 2025/1/8





Ohnishi: いやぁ、埼京線にですね、武蔵浦和っていう駅があるんですね。で、ぼく昔その駅を通過するのを楽しみにしていたんですよ。

Roza: なんで?

Ohnishi: いやあ車掌さんがね、「次は武蔵浦和です」って言う代わりに「次はーむさしうらっぱーです」って言ってたんですよね。


Roza: うん、確かに楽しそうだね。 But, first things first, This is Akino Roza and let’s begin our lesson.

David: And I’m David Evans. All right guys, let’s get to it.

Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

Practice 9:25

David: Hey hey, all right, it’s practice time. Now, there are some words that demand more information. A rumor, the news, your idea … ah what rumor? what news? what idea? あー気になる! so, we need explanation and where do you put it? that’s right, after. So, let’s practice.

Roza: OK guys, ready to go? a rumor that you got promoted …

  • I heard a rumor that you got promoted.

the news that you got promoted …

  • I heard the news that you got promoted.

David: Great work, keep it up. the conclusion that we should hire more staff …

  • We came to the conclusion that we should hire more staff.

Roza: All right, a couple more. your proposal that we should cancel the meeting …

  • I like your proposal that we should cancel the meeting.

your idea that we should cancel the meeting …

  • I like your idea that we should cancel the meeting.

David: Unlock your potential.

Roza: Repetition is the key.

Both: Great work.

Grammar in Action


I have welcomed the news that you join our department. We really need the (時間切れ)


You can’t escape the conclusion that we need more big house. We need more bedrooms.

more big じゃなくて bigger でした


Ohnishi: Hey guys, “You can’t escape the conclusion”, this sounds rather strong, right?

David: Ah, “escape” doesn’t mean, you are trying to escape. It means there is only one route, there is only one conclusion, so it’s not an accusation.

Ohnishi: なるほど、この escape は、特に逃れよう、逃げようとしてるわけではなくて、引き出される唯一の結論なんだよ、と言う意味で使ってるわけですね。だから、あまりきつくは響かなんだよ、というわけでした。


All: Bye.

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