
NHKラジオ英会話のディクテーション「目的語説明型の拡張⑥:to不定詞」L53 2021/6/16





Ohnishi: あぁ歯磨き話ですねぇ。昔はいちご味の歯磨き粉とか大好きだったよなぁ。ま、今だとしめさば味とかあると、いいんだけどなぁ。


Roza: 歯磨きの味も、一期一会ですからね。Akino Roza here.

Chris: Oh, wait a minute. Ah, sorry, I’m brushing my teeth.

Roza: Again?

Chris: Yeah, Ah, Chris McVay here. Sorry for keeping you, let’s get started.

Ohnishi: それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。

“cavity” 4:18

Chris: And maybe we should mention that, in British English, we often use tooth decay.

そうか、虫歯は cavity というのか。

decay は、「腐敗、衰え、減衰」です。(英辞郎から)



Practice 8:15

Chris: OK guys, let’s practice together. And as always, we want you to grasp the native speaker feeling. So here, the feeling of “tell” is pushing, pushing, pushing someone, but to do what? Well, that’s why “to” comes in to play. “To” with the image of an arrow points to what the person wants to do. So, with that in mind, let’s practice this sentence.

My dentist told me – push, push, what to do? – to brush my teeth more often.

My dentist told me to brush my teeth more often. Can you try?

Push, arrow, push, arrow …. Once more.

My dentist told me to brush my teeth more often.

Great. That’s perfect. Well done, guys.


Ohnishi: Hey guys, what did you want to be when you were a kid?

Chris: Well, in my case, I wanted to be an actor. But I quickly realized at the time, far too shy.

Roza: Yeah, right.

Ohnishi: How about you, Roza?

Roza: Well, I always wanted to be on Radio Eikaiwa.

Chris: Oh, your dream came true.

Roza: I know, right?


Ohnishi: さぁろーざさんのウソ話が聞けたところで、この辺で終わりにしましょう。

All: Bye.

at the time のところ、聞き取りにくいですね。at that time かもしれないです。



  • Opening
  • cavity
  • ダイアログ和訳の後(今日はありませんでした)
  • Practice
  • Ending